

Orientation is an essential part of the new student experience at 澳门葡京博彩软件. The program provides students with information and resources critical to their overall success in college. 开学前一周, 一年级新生, 转移, visiting/exchange students and Ada Comstock Scholars gather to learn about the college and get to know each other. All new students should participate fully in the entire Orientation program.

Two students holding signs that say "Welcome to 澳门葡京博彩软件" and "We can help!“在搬家那天

Jim Gipe/Pivot Media拍摄




The Orientation program empowers new students to develop a resilient mindset by teaching them to identify and utilize resources that will improve their college experience. 学生 become active members of their Orientation teams where they learn to both contribute freely and 庆祝 the contributions of others. 最后, 迎新活动为学生提供了寻找快乐的机会, 发掘他们的兴趣, and begin fulfilling and positive relationships in the Smith community.

学生将被介绍给他们的教员 文科顾问 (LAAs)为他们的学术生涯制定计划. They will also have several occasions to meet faculty from all departments in order to learn more about the myriad programs of study available to them.

To help students become respectful and responsible members of the Smith community, 培训包括以下讨论:

  • 生活在一个多元化的社区
  • 支持健康和保健
  • 学术诚信与价值观
  • 学生的权利和责任

Of course, Orientation also facilitates recreation and social connection. 学生们可以期待大量的活动, 既有预定的,也有即兴的, 这让他们能够交到朋友, 工艺, 庆祝, 傻了, 在澳门葡京博彩软件安顿下来.


All new students are divided into teams led by student Orientation Leaders (OLs). 小组将在迎新期间反复开会, collecting points by attending events together and completing quizzes and challenges. The winning team will be recognized at an end-of-Orientation celebration. 在他们的团队中, students have built-in buddies for meals and events as well as a dedicated support system as they go through the Orientation process together.

更多的 information about teams 会在7月份通过邮件直接发给学生吗.


New students will spend their first Saturday at Smith taking part in 组的一天. 大多数学生参加校园小组日会议, while some students selected by random lottery are able to participate in Outdoor Adventure groups.


The sessions accelerate students’ familiarization with campus partners by getting them involved directly with the staff who run centers and offices at Smith. 学生 will spend the whole day with their teams and take part in three different 组的一天 sessions.



The Smith Outdoor Adventure Program (OA) will offer a number of outdoor-focused group programs during 组的一天. 为了确保所有参与者的参与和安全, 户外探险团体人数有限.

OA项目的详细信息, 包括OA彩票选择表格, 会在7月份通过邮件直接发给学生吗. 有关该过程的基本概述,请参见下文:

  • OA组通过随机抽签过程填充.
  • 学生 will have a window of time to complete the OA Lottery Opt-In Form.
  • On this form, they will indicate which groups they are willing to participate in.
  • 当选择加入表单关闭时, students will be randomly selected and placed in OA groups until capacity is reached.
  • 学生 who are not placed in OA groups will take part in the general 组的一天 sessions with their teams.

因为OA容量是有限的, students are asked to be fully committed to participating before they opt-in to the lottery. No-shows and late drop-outs effectively reduce the program capacity and deprive others of the opportunity to participate.

如果你周六不参加OA小组, you will not be permitted to participate in the 组的一天 as an alternative activity. 只有在极端情况下才会例外. 如有任何问题,请直接向迎新小组提出 orientation@vivendaoriente.com 只要他们一出现.

Some students who participate in pre-season training and activities for certain fall sports will not participate in 组的一天. Pre-season athletes will receive directions from their coaches regarding Saturday activities.



For general guidance on packing for college life, consult the Office of 居住生活’s “给新生”部分的常见问题解答

Temperatures in late August in Western Massachusetts can reach as high as 90°F/32°C and as low as 55°F/13°C, 但通常保持在80°F/ 6°C左右. 8月份的降雨量也是全年最高的. 请在装运时考虑到这一点.

For the Orientation experience, all new students are encouraged to pack at least the following: 

  • 适合运动(走路、跑步)的保暖衣物
  • 舒适的鞋子 
  • 太阳镜
  • 防晒霜
  • 可重复使用的水瓶
  • 雨具(防水靴/鞋、雨衣及/或雨伞)
  • 晚上/晚上穿的浅色衣服(毛衣、法兰绒等).)

户外探险(OA)参加者, please consult the materials that OA program directors send directly to participants for a detailed packing list.


Communication about Orientation and the First Year Experience will be sent directly to students via their 澳门葡京博彩软件 email address. 学生 must check this inbox regularly for important information about campus and academic life. 作为注册学生与澳门葡京博彩软件办公室沟通时, students should use their Smith email address in order to properly identify themselves and avoid their message being marked as spam.



如果你是一名国际学生, 第一代学生, 季前赛运动员, or a student committed to maintaining culturally inclusive communities, 你可以报名参加我们的预培训项目.





迎新活动不只是针对新生的! 在8月29日的入住日, 2024—parents and families are encouraged to explore the campus and meet some of the staff and faculty who will help to shape their student’s college experience. 学生报到时,家长会在上午陪伴他们, 搬进他们的房间, 吃午餐, 并听取今年的第一次总统演讲. 在下午, while students are getting filled in on the essentials of campus and academic life, families can partake in walking tours or one of several sessions tailored to their curiosity or concerns from 2–5:30 p.m. 查看对家庭开放的活动和会议的完整列表, 请参阅以下家庭辅导时间表:

The fall 2024 家庭取向 schedule will be posted in early August.



All new students participate in 澳门葡京博彩软件写道 by reading the same assigned text before arriving on campus. This allows students to participate in their first shared academic dialogue at Smith, 在与同事的非正式聊天中发生了什么, 促进小组讨论, 并与《澳门葡京博彩软件阅读》的作者进行了大规模的演讲.


2024年秋季澳门葡京博彩软件写道的文本将很快公布. 检查 澳门葡京博彩软件阅读页面 今年夏天更新.




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